Monday, 21 December 2015

Things on my mind... A ramble and a rumble

Blogging is super hard sometimes. I get writer’s block and don’t know what to write for days or even weeks on end. Some days though I get into such a writing groove that I end up sitting at the laptop for hours and hours on end. Typing away. Editing as I go. Sometimes not editing at all. Other times I post-edit after something has gone live on the blog. Sometimes I wonder if I have written something well. Sometimes things get seen by more people - it all depends how far I push the posts and where they are seen. Most of the time I post the links to the blog through Facebook. Although I am slowly but surely trying to expand into other areas of social media - Twitter, instagram and pinterest.

The blogging world is tough to get into though, especially if you want to go viral. It takes a lot of hard work to embrace your followers and keep them interested in your content over time. For me I look at other blogs and websites and see what things on them make me want to keep coming back. I have a few vloggers on YouTube who I watch whenever they post. I want to keep watching their videos because they embrace such positivity and love showing off their city and life in their videos. Every video has the same life things going on, but there’s always a funny twist that happens. Or a serious twist. At the moment Erik Conover who I watch (just look up his name on YouTube to find him) is going through some drama with noisy, obnoxious neighbours. Him and his girlfriend have talked to the building super and things are okay, but things with the neighbour have escalated even more during November 2015. Each day I try and leave positive comments on their videos to show how grateful I am to watch them every time.

I’m also prone to falling on my laptop’s keyboard and later having the courier knock on the door, along with bills from the bank (just kidding, I only spend the money I have saved up), with online purchases from the same select few websites - The Warehouse, ASOS and TradeMe (a New Zealand auction website, which is a bit like eBay I guess). Sadly, currently I am not working enough so I can’t go online and buy everything that I like the look of. I did manage to score a great little bargain a few days ago though, even in my lack of money state I found a new Glassons t-shirt on TradeMe, with tags on and everything. It was ten dollars including postage to my apartment. I then got it and looked at the tags and realised it had been labelled wrong, the label said size 16, but it fits more like a size 14. On the tags it said size 8. Strange. It also said it was forty dollars new, but I had managed to get it for only ten! Score! Best day ever.

Today I have been on TradeMe some more, but not to find any more clothing bargains, to find duvet sets and sheets for our bed. I realised we are using the same sheets and stuff from the past three years, no longer; Four years. Longer. Maybe even five or six years. Ick! I think we need to upgrade some of them, they are starting to get holes in them and starting to look badly faded. Good thing it is coming up to Christmas - lots of sales will happen, so we will be able to get some great in-store bargains from Briscoes, Farmers, or maybe from TradeMe or somewhere else? online. I also need to buy some other things too.

I guess that the Boxing Day sales (the day after Christmas Day) will be a great sales, and bargain hunting, time once more. Each year different companies seem to target different products or ranges within their stores, so it will be interesting to see where the best electronic gadgets will be, as well as clothing and so on.
The thing I like about shopping and bargain hunting though is that I can get inspired by things I see online and then recreate them in my own style and with my own twist on things. Nothing worse than being a clone of everyone else. Being original is all over my blog posts too, I write how I think and I write about things that annoy some of my family, and my friends. I am always having heated discussions with at least one person who has been offended by a view I have. It often makes me laugh when someone tells me my post is offensive, especially when they then can’t engage in a rational argument with me proving why I am so offensive in my posts! Haha. I mean sure, be offended but tell me what I said that was so wrong and how I can correct it in the future.

You can’t expect every single person you meet to agree with you twenty four seven, that’s unreasonable. Examples of such topics include childfreedom - not having or having children and my views on such decisions… Sexual health and reproduction - what do the doctor’s say? What’s the science? Why are there myths around periods and what’s the truth, biology wise?

I feel that having, or not having, a child or litter of children is a personal choice between the couple. There is no right or wrong time or age or circumstance to bring a child or children into the world. And if a childfree advocate person changes their mind the world should not respond with their minds being blown and snarkily responding to the couple. Things happen. Condoms fail as can other forms of contraception. Even the snip (Vasectomy for a man) and getting tubes tied or cut and burned (tubal ligation for a woman) can fail, sure the chance is about one per cent, but it can happen.

Pregnancy can also just miraculously happen for unknown reasons too - of course no matter the outcome of what caused the pregnancy in the first place - it is generally from two people of the opposite gender having unprotected sexual intercourse!

I have been vocal about being childfree and never, ever having children. More recently after another video interview that went worldwide I realised further that I am more childfree right now due to timing. I am having problems with my reproductive cycle - my periods are all over the place, I feel like I’m a girl going through puberty and just starting my menstrual cycle for the first time. In reality I am twenty seven years of age, and been menstruating since I was fourteen.

I have always been open on my blog about my health concerns and talking about contraception is a common theme of my blog. I do not see why people would hide their problems on the internet, who knows, maybe someone will identify with the health things I go through and either seek help, or will have advice for me and my doctor to try something that they found worked for them in the same situation. I cannot be the only woman in the world with a longer than twenty eight day cycle and problems with finding a contraceptive that works in that situation.

Back when I was fourteen I had a cycle that was either six or eight weeks long, which is ridiculous for finding out if you’re pregnant and tracking a cycle of that length is difficult! As a result my well meaning mother and doctor got me onto contraceptive pills. Which helped. For a while. Within months though, if not about a year, I was back to the doctor with what’s known as Breakthrough Bleeding symptoms, of periods that were two weeks apart, even though the Pill cycle was twenty-eight days long.

I was changed on to higher and higher dosages of the Pill, until finally at twenty five I changed my personal GP (General practitioner) who realised the high level of hormone I was taking was causing other problems with bleeding irregularities and headache problems, relating to high blood pressure. I have been lucky to not need blood pressure medication for that. It is something I have to keep an eye on though. As for the menstrual cycle? I have to go back and see what is going on, because the strange two weekly periods are back, kind of. I have had these strange fluttering feelings in my uterus more recently too. I do not know what it is and I worry about pregnancy and the effects that it may have on my studies and living in a flat with flatmates in the coming year. I have an appointment with my Family Planning doctor for the first week of December, so hopefully we can discuss what is happening and why and get to the root of the problem so I can go on without worrying that I need to carry sanitary products and feeling embarrassed for leakage.

Leakage freakage is definitely a thing guys!

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